Two part dosing vs reactors

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 1, 2008
I live in the Orlando Florida area
Hey all I am thinking of whether to switch my current regime of dosing two part solutions.
I have heard a lot about ca reactors but lots of confusing info. As well a lot of different equipment. I don't want to go overboard but in this hobby it is very easy to do so.
Therefore I decided to ask you guys.
What is your current method?
Did you choose this method from the start?
If you switched, why?
Any pics of tanks or individual corals with before or after results would be great to see guys.
Thank you all in advance!
I use 2-part, always have... always will. I only have a 46g, with just a few SPS, so I don't consider my Ca/alk load too big. However, I do dose at the high end of the recommendations due to a large amount of coralline algae and a birdsnest that's going whacko.

With a Ca reactor, there is a bit of dialing in that has to go on before it becomes truly "plug and play". pH has to be monitored closely, and controlled. In my opinion, there is a lot more that can go wrong with a Ca reactor, and those things can wipe out a tank. Not much can go wrong dosing 2-part. That's why I do what I do.
What is your current method?
Water changes, I dose nothing but food ;)
Did you choose this method from the start?
No, 3 years of attempting to micro-manage parameters lead me to my current method, kind of a K.I.S.S. method.
If you switched, why?
Because I wanted to enjoy the tank more and spend less time scrubbing, cleaning, dosing, testing, etc.
Any pics of tanks or individual corals with before or after results would be great to see guys.
Thank you all in advance!

Sorry, don't have any recent photos in my new tank, however, this is one of the last photos of my old 75g (4 x VHO for lighting) before I moved to the new 135g. Same water change schedule, 10 gallons every week(end) however I will confess I was still using a skimmer at the time this picture was taken, however, no other 'technology' related to filtration or dosing was used.
I use a kalk mix in my ATO system and it seems to keep all in line. I have increased my Kalk dose do to extreme coralline growth in my sump. No coralline on my DT glass...Nirite snails eat it all up. It's been 3 months since I had to clean my DT glass. ;) Xing my fingers
I tried dripping kalk a few yrs ago, but it couldn't keep up with the demand. My choice was the DIY 2-part or a ca reactor. Since I tend to do things in the least expensive, but also effective way, it was a no brainer to use the DIY 2-part. It costs me no more than $50 to supplement my calcium, alk and mag for a year. You can't buy a simple reactor for that, let alone all the associated equipment like a pH controller, co2 regulator/tank, media, etc.

The end result is the same whether you dose 2-part, use a ca reactor or use kalk if your demand is low enough.
ccapt you bring up a good point. I guess I can determine my corals ca needs by testing. But I know that the corals in my tank about 90% are going to require ca,alk,mg. In other words they are mostly hard corals rather than softies.
Can you or any one give me instructions for a DIY 2-part system?
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