Upgrading Tanks, Planning Help!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 21, 2014
Seoul, Korea/New York
Hello Thinking of rearranging my tanks!

I have a:
55 empty tank
29 Fully planted
- 6x Harlequin
- 8x Cardinal Tetra
-6x Pristella Tetra
- 6x Panda Cory
20long Nano reef
- 2x snow clowns
-Sharknose Goby
- Cleaner Shrimp
- Banggai Cardinal
- red banded pistol
36 Bow empty

I was looking to upgrade my nano reef to the 36 bow front or 55. Though I was planning to make the 55 a Discus tank. My friend said I should make the 55 into salt and do discus in the 36, but I am afraid that it s too small for discus bc they should be in odd numbered group I believe.

I was thinking of making the 20L into freshwater again and getting rid of the 29 gal!

Now if I upgrade the nano reef from 20 to a 36 or 55, if I buy more live substrate, and move all my LR and Everything over will I still mini cycle?

I was also going to house the cardinals with the Discus and Harlequins, in case you are worried about over stock.

uploaded pics of my planted and nano

thank u


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Not quite certain for the saltwater side on shifting tanks but just wanted to say the tank photos look superb :)
You shouldn't cycle when you move over the rock. I personally never recommend re using sand due to it being very difficult to rinse all the gunk out.

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