Using Miracle Mud or similar brand?

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
I am interested in this for a possible "field" of turtle grass in a lagoon tank build.

If you have used one of these products what did you use it for and how did it go?

It seems logical to use a tray and add this in a section as a substrate for turtle grass. If it is silty and easily clouds the water then I might need to rethink that idea. Is it more like a clay goop? Curious as I have seen it used a few different ways, not for turtle grass though.
I remember reading somewhere that Miracle Mud was tested and there isn't anything special about it. Don't really remember, but the grass would need a sediment to live'd be either mud or sand.
I have been doing a tiny bit of reading there are 3 types of plants for a planted reef. Two which look like grasses and one with ovid leaves, all will grow using runners and I wonder now if it makes any sense to try this with mud, and how does one dose ferts, if you do not use mud!?!

There are a couple interesting looking tanks, but most look just like a tank nearly packed with grasses. Not really the look I would be going for in the tank I was wanting it for.

A really awesome experimental tank project but I don't have time for that right now. Crabs, shrimp, sea horses, Pipefish and other little critters.

Still interested in if anyone has experience there with any of the "mud" products as initially mentioned.

There were a couple of videos of people using it in a sump.

No doubt it has some mineral content, but one could easily use those mineral blocks and/or do frequent water changes to get minerals needed. I think...
I've never heard of anyone dosing ferts into any type of reef system, even if it was for a 'planted reef' tank. I can't believe that the small amounts you'd be keeping in a tank would require such dosing.
That's good.

We will see how it plays out. I might see if John at Reef Cleaners can get a hold of some or any or all of the plants just to try them. I am waiting for something else he's trying to get, and additional clean up crew members, so could make it ship at the same time perhaps.
I used it in my tank and covered it up with sand but I really did not see where it did any good. I would not use it again.
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