Visi-therm heater

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 6, 2004
I just purchased on for my small tank. Looks like a nice heater. Anyone use it? Impressions?
I have a 25 watt Visi-Therm Deluxe in each of my 5 gallon tanks (FW, not SW), but they are very reliable, and hold the temperature right where you set them.
Mine worked like a champ--help the temp right where it was supposed to--until it stuck on about 4 months after I got it. :-( Fortunately, I caught it right away. I guess there's a bad apple in every bushel.
Glad to hear. I didn't want to put a glass heater in the mantis tank for obvious reasons. Heard many horror stories about bad heater, just wanted to check.
Thanks all!! :)
quarryshark, does your heater have an orange light that lights up when the heater turns on? I have read that mantis shrimp don't like this light, so you should cover or block the light somehow, so they aren't temped to strike out at the light.
Great point, I'm not sure. Will check tonight.
Kudos for pointing that out!! :)
Thanks, quarryshark! How is the mantis doing? Is your wife starting to like him? I think it would be nice to have one in his own tank. That way you can enjoy him without worrying that he'll hurt the fish or inverts.
He's doing fine, in fact he likes to perch himself on top of one of the suction cups of the heater (he is small)......go figure. Interesting little guy.
The wife isn't saying much, we'll see. 8O
I had a viso therm(not deluxe model) that stuck on me a year ago. It brought my holding/banishing tank to 90F.

But I'm using the deluxe model now and problems so far in the past year.
ReefRaff said:
If you ever want a really good heater, then chk out the visaaqua. I'ts a very good heater. I have one pictured here and I love it.

I have a via aqua heater on my turtle tank. The only thing I dont like about it is that the temp settings on my rotory knob are very hard to see. The one in your pic is grey and seems very easy to read, but mine (for some reason) is a faded blue color which blends in with the grey knob.
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