Water prep for corals

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 26, 2012
New Jersey
I've had my 54 gallon corner tank running for a little over a month. There are currently two clowns, roughly 15 snails and hermits, and a starry blenny. I've been trying to stay patient and am currently gaining the knowledge I need to grow and maintain healthy corals. I've dosed the tank once with reef code A and B. I plan to do again after a 2 week wait. In addition I bought a eshopp 100 protein skimmer I plan to start using a little b4 I introduce my first coral. I am seeking advice on what calcium and alkalinity levels I should be looking for with my tank perimeters and if I should be testing for anything else beside the more basic nitrogen cycle elements. Also, What would be a good soft coral to introduce first? (Im trying to stay away from mushrooms and Xenia). Any information on the best way to prep the water would be greatly appreciated.
All you need for corals is a reef grade salt mix. You do not need to be dosing, any reef salt will keep your params in check until you have a large stony coral bio-load. As for soft corals, my favorites are ricordea and zoas/palys.
I thought this may be the case. I actually did my first water change yesterday and it went great. Would a 20% weekly water change be sufficient?
From my understanding its not the highest grade stuff but gets job done just fine, correct?
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