29g suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 15, 2004
Quebec, Canada

I was wondering if anyone could please give me suggestions on what fish i should put in my aquarium. I've had this 29 gallon tank for about 5 months and I have: 3 dwarf gouramis ( neon blue, all males), 1 congo tetra, 2 red platys, 2 cat fish, and 1 Gold Mystery Snail.... to me, it seems like i can put many more fish in there since its 29 g... so im wondering if anyone can suggest some more nice fish to put in? Because ive talked to people at pet stores about what i should put, and it seems that i often cant put the fish i want because of my gouramis.... so can someone please help me out.... just give me some suggestions on what would be nice....
Yes, unfortunately gouramis will limit your choices, as there are certain fish they won't put up with.

May I recommend yo-yo loaches? They are very personable little guys and fun to watch. They will leave your other fish alone and I guarantee the gouramis won't mess with them...at least not twice. hehe! :)

hey paul thanx for the suggestion! i was reading about them and i read that they eat the snails :( well small ones but im not sure if mine is considered small. also, i read that they may jump out of the water LOL sounds scary :?
Oops, sorry, didn't realize you had a snail. That might not work out then.

I have 3 of them and they have never jumped out of the water..they rarely come above mid-tank. They like digging through the gravel for the most part and I find them fascinating personally. Unless you are worried about your snail (which could be a well-founded fear), I would check them out....:)

well that sounds good then! :lol: i was wondering, do you have a pipe or cave for them to hide in?? also, i read that you can feed them bananas!!! haha sounds fun.... :D
what type of catfish do you have? some can get pretty big and that might determine what other types of fish you can add, or you may end up needing a bigger tank just for those two! ( if they do get pretty big...lets say 6-10 inches, you should probably stay away from adding more bottom dwellers)
If its a corydoras its fine, they max out at 2 inches. I reccomend you get more congo tetras, as they are a schooling fish. Any loaches (besides clown loaches) would work fine. Dojo loaches are a personal favourite of mine. As for a cave, try a pvc pipe if you dont mind how it looks, if you do, you could always glue substrate all over it so it looks like a real cave (I think there's instructions on the DIY forum).
i second the dojo loach idea, they are awesome fish, and really hardy. maybe you could try a school of small barbs? if you do, i would reccommend getting some schoolmates for your congo, he might get picked on otherwise. good luck :)
Ive never had a problem with barbs. Rosey Barbs are pretty calm compared to tigers, but I don't know how the Gormis will like em.

I love rosey barbs though. My favorite freshwater fish!
Most people say you cant have tiger barbs but if you have a school of 6 mix sex tigers they will spend their time on showing off insted of nipping the gouramies or you could have a red tailed black shark witch is classifyed as agresive althogh they only fight umungst themselves.
Hello and thanx everyone for the help so far.... Im making a list of the fish you've suggested and Ill decide which i want.... but for the angel fish.. when i first set up my tank, i told someone at petsmart that i wanted to deffinately get gouramis, and angel fish..... and they told me that the gouramis are too agressive for my angel and that theyre very delicate.... but then at a different store , they told me for the first month to just have the gouramis and the congo tetra.. and then after a month get an angel fish.... everywhere i go, i get a different suggestion.... so do you think i should get an angel?

- Jan :fadein:
i would not get an angel. They get suprisingly large and can be victimized for their long fins easily. They are not to be mixed with agressive fish, and I wouldn't put one in anything less than a 55 gallon anyway.
personally iv never had trouble with gouramis being aggressive so I say go for it but put the angelfish in fist so they will have an established territory and wont have trouble with the gouramis (if you don't the gouramis will see the angel fish as intruders) kind of like if someone comes into your house uninvited. :| Anyway this will counter the teritorall instinct in the gouramis. :)
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