40G Breeder Stocking Help

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 14, 2017

I've had my 40G for about a year but most of the original fish have died off over time. My filter is a Fluval 306 (Rated 70g, 303gph) My current fish are:
2 Black neon tetra
1 Serpae tetra
3 Flame tetra
2 Bolivian ram
1 Tiger barb
1 Cherry barb
2 Julii cory cat
1 4in Pleco

I would like to restock this tank and I am using Stocking levels as a guide to stocking along with aqadvisor.

The fish I was interested in adding are:
2 German blue ram
2 German gold ram
2 Badis
1 Neon blue goby
3 Gold tetra
3 Emperor tetra
3 Bloodfin tetra
2 Splashing tetra
2 Pearl Danio
2 Long fin white cloud
4 Sparkling gourami
2 Boesemans Rainbow

Going by both guides, my tank is still under 100% stocking. Aqadvisor does caution to group 5 of most of the tetra/danio. Is this recommended or is it okay to have multiple types of the same species?
In my experience, I would definitely try to keep at least 5 of each type it warns you about. They are much happier with other fish just like them. Also, from what I've discovered from my 40g is to start with just a couple fish and work up from there because you never know when you'll find another cool fish you might want to add or have to take some in from other people.
My current 40g stocking is:
2 German Blue Rams
6 Murray River Rainbows
1 Betta (Female)
2 Siamese Algae Eaters
4 Cherry Barbs
1 Dwarf Gourami
1 Rummynose Tetra - His buddies are coming soon

AqAdvisor says I'm at 75% stocking, but it seems pretty full if you ask me.
The Rams are definitely my favorite and if I had to start the tank all over I would have started with a pair of these guys. Good luck to you!
I agree with the last poster. Cut the number of species in half or more and double or triple the number of individuals of each species. The fish will be happier and healthier and, IMHO, more attractive. Boesmani rainbows get very large - like 4-5 inches, so you might want to skip those for that reason.
I agree with both previous posters. In fact, I would say that if you increase your original stock list to the numbers they should have for each species, you'll be over-stocked, or nearly so. You may want to check the species of your pleco, as well. Common plecos can get to 24 inches; far too big for your tank.
You got slow eating fish with fast eating fish.
The badis will suffer the most. Many say they only eat live food sometimes.
The rams IMO will not compete with rainbows for food if they have too.Look into dwarf bows like Melanotaenia praecox (Neon Dwarf Rainbowfish
I would not keep 2 pair of rams ,less different color variants..Just me on that though maybe ?
You have warm water fish[82+ rams /rummies] with cool water fish [72all the danios] some ones life span will be altered.
Too many different species of tetra.
1 or 2 in good numbers is going to make best presentation and keep the tank happier and healthier .
Thanks for the replies. I'm going through the list again and will be limiting the different species, with more of each type. Coralbandit, I'm not sure I understood what you meant about the rams. You wouldn't suggest keeping two pairs of german rams together?
Aq Advisor likes to give mininums but their minimums are still low balled compared to what many people would recommend. All tetras like to be in larger groups (at least to my knowledge). In general you want 8-12 for a good school because they will feel safer being in a larger group and they will exhibit more natural behavior.
Cory Cats are the same way. You need a minimum of 5 at least of any one kind of cory but think 8-10 is a better minimum.
Serpae tetras can be nippy and tiger barbs can get kind of big and aggressive having them in larger groups "should" tone down their aggression.

Personally i think you should probably bump up the numbers to a more responsible amount and then worry about adding different fish.
I wouldn't worry about adding additional rams until you have all of your other fish figured out because they can get territorial.
Good luck
Most people have a hard time with 1 pair of rams if they actually get properly sexed pair.
Rams of any color are very conspecific [tough on their own kind],so having 2 pairs will not be 'harmonious' even if they are all good among themselves.
I just try to honestly tell people that the fish is tough to keep. They will not tolerate an established under temp tank.. I try to make people know they need to understand the fish 'a little' more then most other fish ? They should be #1 means READ up on them or kiss your money good bye...
I have never kept them in community tanks ,as I only breed them.
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