Aggressively horny guppy

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 5, 2017
I had a 10 gallon tank that has 2 male fancy guppies (was 3 but one died) and 3 dianos/glofish. One of the guppies WOULD NOT STOP trying to mate with the other one! So I bought 2 more guppies (they were out of fancy so I got male cobra guppies) and he still kept sexually attacking them. I thought I was too stressful on them.
I read another form similar to this and the guy stuck him in a tank with bigger fish. The guppy got bullied around a bit, put back the the original tank and never bothered the other fish again.
So I put that guppy in my 30gal tank with my rainbow shark, Dalmatian Mollie, and one male and one female swordtail. My male swordtail never really went after my female (I had 2 female, but my small one died from unknown causes). But my horny guppy keeps chasing the female swordtail (who is 2.5x its size). The male swordtail is getting irritated and will bully the guppy some, but the guppy won't back down. And my rainbow shark is being completely worthless.
I'm leaving that guppy in the big tank for a few days, and then back to the small tank. I don't want my swordtails getting stressed out like my other fancy guppies did. I don't know what else to do. Any advice is appreciated.
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