Albino paradise gourami

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 13, 2004
Milpitas, CA

I saw this fish at PetCo and I'm so entranced by them. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with them. Can they be kept in a 5 gallon if not, can they be kept with a rainbow tail shark? Some sites say they eat flakes and pellets, does anyone know what brand?

5 is kinda small, what type of filter? is there enough room for hiding places? imo the redtail combo would be ok if introduced at the same time .. reg flakes break some into real fine pieces for the red tip remember hes got a small mouth and really is a scavenger
This is not a good choice for a 5gal, IMO. This will be a 4" fish and that's just not enough swimming room for him. You can't keep males together, sortof like bettas, but I do not know how compatible they might be with rainbow sharks. I would suggest a large tank to try that. They are omnivores and will eat your basic prepared flake or very small pellet, bloodworms, veggie flakes, etc., brands are a matter of opinion. I like Omega One and Hikari.
I have a few (2 blues, 1 albino) in 8 gallon tanks, but they are still only 3" or so....mine are thriving on frozen daphnia, frozen bloodworms, frozen tubifex, and my home-made high-protein high-spirulina frozen food.
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