An Oscar of a different color

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 26, 2021
So this guys shows me his Oscar. I admired the blue coloration and asked what type it was. He said an ordinary Tiger Oscar & the blue is really black & looks blue due the lighting. i asked what light he has and he said: i use my weed grow lights. (it is legal to grow marijuana in many states in the US)

Well! I have a Tiger Oscar and plant grow lights from when i tried to get orchids to bloom. I want to try them on Oscar, (that's his name), under these lights briefly to see how he looks. But he's used to a relatively dim tank & i don't want to stress him. Think I can put thin cloth over the LED grow light or something like that?

He lost much color intensity while being resized 0n the laptop.


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So this guys shows me his Oscar. I admired the blue coloration and asked what type it was. He said an ordinary Tiger Oscar & the blue is really black & looks blue due the lighting. i asked what light he has and he said: i use my weed grow lights. (it is legal to grow marijuana in many states in the US)

Well! I have a Tiger Oscar and plant grow lights from when i tried to get orchids to bloom. I want to try them on Oscar, (that's his name), under these lights briefly to see how he looks. But he's used to a relatively dim tank & i don't want to stress him. Think I can put thin cloth over the LED grow light or something like that?

No, not unless you want to burn the house down. LED lights and other lights get hot enough to ignite material so they should not have material in contact with them or near them when they are on.

If you want more blue light, get an actinic or blue LEDs and see if that helps. But it's not the fish's colour coming out, it's the blue light reflecting off them.
Wow! I would not have thought LEDs get that hot, so I will find alternatives. Wait! It comes to me! I have a LED on the GloFish tank that does blue or white light. One can also up the blue only on the Fluval Aquaskies, but I’ve not observed remarkable results playing with the 4 colors.

The other day someone posted the pinkest OB I ever saw. Everything in the tank was bright pink, the rocks, other decor etc. He said the fish were even brighter in white light. Right!

Yes, I knew the blue was reflected light, but it was truly a spectacular reflection.
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