are sting rays brackish?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Mar 12, 2011
the poor part of connecticut
i was thinking of switching my 55gal african tank from dolomite to sand.

reason being, i want to get a sting ray. HOWEVER, i dont know if they NEED brackish or if they can live w/o it like the africans...?

all help is appreciated!!!

1- A 55 is way too small for even the smallest species of freshwater stingrays.

2- Freshwater rays are far from brackish, they are found in some of the softest water on the planet in the Amazon River basin.

3- African cichlids are not brackish either. Brackish refers to water that is a mix of fresh and salt, where rivers meet the ocean (and the fish found there). African cichlids are from land-locked lakes in the great rift valley. This means that the water is not brackish, but is very hard. The special salts that can be used in their water are different from marine salt and are in much lower doses than brackish.
i really would love to get one but i cant upgrade my tank just yet.

anyone know if you can keep the smallest type of ray in a 55? ... w/ africans & an electric blue lobster (crayfish)?? lol probably just wishful thinking but i really want one
Definitely not. That tank isn't large enough for even the smallest species of rays, not even close. In addition, cichlids and a crayfish are far from ideal tankmates for rays.
i really would love to get one but i cant upgrade my tank just yet.

anyone know if you can keep the smallest type of ray in a 55? ... w/ africans & an electric blue lobster (crayfish)?? lol probably just wishful thinking but i really want one

1- A 55 is way too small for even the smallest species of freshwater stingrays.

It's wishful thinking, footprint is the most important factor, it can be a really shallow tank but it needs to have lots of room to move around. It's really not a good idea IMO, just wait and find a good wide tank that would work better before you get one.

My dream stingray tank would be a 5x5 1ft tall tank in the center of a room.
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