Assassin Snail questions

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 24, 2013
Carpentersville, IL
The past few weeks has shown a marked increase in the number of snails in my tank. The problem is, I didnt purchase them. I assume they hitched a ride on some plants at some point.
Im thinking about getting some Assassin snails to take care of the problem, but had a couple questions that dont seem to get answered when I try to look up info about them. Im hoping somebody with knowledge and/or experience with them.

1) What do they eat once theyve cleared all the pest snails out of the tank?
Or while they're in my QT, for that matter.

2) Will they attack non-pest snails? I had planned on getting some Rabbit or Mystery snails in the future.

Thanks in advance. :thanks:
I'm in a similar boat in my planted tank, waaaay too many pest snails that came in and multiplied. I picked up about 6 assassin snails, and now they've gotten huge and I suspect are breeding too, but there's a definite drop in pest snail populations. Based on my experience...

1) I still have plenty of snails left, so I can't say for sure on this. I've been told by my LFS that they're omnivores, and will move on to scavenging leftover food.

2) Yes, they'll attack any snail you put in with them as soon as they're big enough to take them on. A snail's a snail in their eyes unless they recognize it as one of their own kind :) I've heard of them taking on full sized zebra nerite snails, so I'd expect the mystery and rabbit snails would be no different.
Well there in qt grab some snails from your tank and drop them in. I know this going to sound a little silly but i have another small tank with just snails to fedd them(mts will be switching to pond), when i see the assasin snail in the sand with his little mouth thing, hes looking for food to come by. I grab a snail and put it right in front of him. Snail gets stuck in there sticky stuff then bam dinner for the assasin snail

Edit: they need snails for a healthy diet
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