black "moldy" looking dust on white substrate...

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Howdy --

I have white sugar sand substrate in ne of my tanks. I added some crushed coral to this tank.

There is now this fine, dark grey moldy looking "dust" all over the substrate that is hideously ugly and will not vacuum up with the gravel vac. Any suggestions what it is and what i can do to rid it?

How long has the tank been set up ? I don't know what diatoms look like on sand, but if the tank is relatively new maybe that's what you have
Gonna ask alot of questions - sorry :)
1. can you take and post a pic ?
2. do you have any snails in the tank ? what type ?
3. does the "dust" grow in patches or is it a speck here, a speck there ?
4. have you tried to rub it off the sand ? does it come off ?
5. does it smell (out of the water) ?
6. what are the tank occupants ?

A pic would be most helpful :)
1.) I can later perhaps if my bf comes home after work
2.) I have 1 black mystery snail
3.) it is fairly evenly distributed all over the tank
4.) it does come off, but i can't seem to get it with the gravel vacuum
5.) no unusual smell
6.) 2 dwarf gouris, an otto, 6 glass catfish, 1 SAE and a black mystery snail
here is a pic of the "stuff"

4 month old tank... its mulm... fish poo, left over food, snall poo... thats my guess anyway
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