Bolivian rams?

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My mom is just weird I guess. My tanks are always pristine. I go all natural not that tacky fake stuff.
Wait would 2 breeding pairs of GBR fit if I added maybe a rock cave or too? (I live next to a creek)
Rams don't use caves but it's advised to try to block their view of each other. If your tank is 20+ you could probably get away with two pairs.
Would they fight with each other? Also, would Corys, Rummynose tetras, Neon tetras, or a single danio attack the eggs or rams? Would there be aggression??
They might not be successful on their first tries but they will eventually get it right. No GBRs are good parents.
Actually rams will benefit with a few caves...and I would also suggest adding some more plants to help give more cover for them
Depends on what kind of cave. If you buy a cichlid stone they won't use it but if it's just rocks piled up they might.
YUNITE | SDRAMS - Your No.1 Source of Quality German Blue Rams (this was supposed to come out as a link but you can still copy and paste it into your browser. It's a place to buy GBRs)
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