Centerpiece Fish w/ Strength?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 20, 2011
I'm concerned about a three spot gourami that I have as the centerpiece of my 30g livebearer tank, because one of my juvenile molly's has become rather aggressive lately. I've tried the basics to reduce the aggression, move plants and decorations around and re-acclimate her, but she just doesn't let up. It's gotten to the point where the three spot will swim sideways right next to the gravel as she nips at him, and to be honest I'm rather ticked about it. I've currently got the Molly isolated in a breeding trap while I decide/figure what to do--believe me, the thought of tossing that molly with my yellow labs has crossed my mind, but I'm not going to be cruel.:angel:
So anyway...I really like my three spot gourami and I absolutely love mollies-here's my question. Is there a different centerpiece fish I could look into that will easily fend for itself if one of the Molly's decides to go all crazy again? I'm going to rearrange the decorations a final time and reintroduce her by herself to see if it alleviates any aggression. It's bad-I know that three spots are peaceful, but it makes him so angry when she chases him that he turns around and chases another molly :blink:

Any help highly appreciated:cool:
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