Cherry Shrimp and tank mates

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 17, 2004
Baltimore, MD
I got a bunch of questions, so any that can be answered would be appreciated.

I have a 29 gallon tank that’s been up and running for a few months, but I'm bored with it, so I'm ready to make some changes. Right now all I have in it is 6 endlers livebearers, 2 pearl gouramis and 1 upside down catfish.

What I'd like to do is start over, somewhat. I've decided I'm ready to do live plants, and I'm going to be buying all the equipment I need for that soon. I also really like cherry shrimp, but I'm worried what can go in with them.

I was thinking about having my tank ending up with a bunch of cherry shrimp, 2 or 3 ottos, some endlers, a school of rummy nose tetras and possibly something else (blue rams maybe?).

So does that setup work as far as compatibility? Will there be anyone clashing with the shrimp? Anyone eating at the plants?

Thanks for any help.
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