cory babies

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 31, 2020
i noticed one of my cories had a massive belly so i googled it and it was either she was pregnant or fat next day there was eggs all over the tank i managed to get some in a breeders net and there’s about 10-15 babies and more appearing each time i look but they appear to be getting stuck between the plastic and net and i don’t know what to do i’ve only ever had live bearer babies like guppies and mollies, the breeders net is in a 10 gallon that has a pleco in it he will be moving in a week or so and the tank will be empty so should i just see what happens with the babies in the net cause i can ‘free’ them but they just go back under so do they just want to be under there they are very tiny and i’m just worried for them, when the tank no longer has the pleco should i just turn it into a babies tank for whenever fish look pregnant pop them in let them lay there eggs and take them back out cause she already has a egg filled belly again she is albino and the father is bronze
That's too cool. You def could use the 10g as a breeder tank and when babies aren't there use it as a hospital and quarantine tank
i think i will tbh as it seems like this is gonna be a regular occurrence with her lol the babies are so small i wasn’t even expecting it way smaller than guppy fry
i didn’t even realised they had hatched at first i went to check the eggs this morning and put my glasses on and noticed movement and thought i was seeing stuff at first
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