Do they like the sound of rain?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 23, 2011
Hi eveyrone!

I was wondering if fish are bothered by water agitation. I'm currently housing a lone angelfish, and I was wondering if they are bothered by water agitation. Tropical aquariums are somewhat warm, and I was told that tropical fish can tolerate warmer waters is because there is a lot of surface agitation. I adjusted my filters in a way to fluctuate the water, but does this keep the fish up? How about water currents in the aquarium? My filters are pretty strong, so they are creating a jet line stream of water in the output.
I don't think fish are bothered by water agitation, that's what help oxygenate the water. Certain species like angels can be sensitive to too much water movement (current) - sort of blowing them around. Its a case-by-case senario; you just need to watch your fish and respond accordingly.
How big is the tank? Your fish should be fine

I have a 100 gallon full of plants! See? That's my dilemma! I have plants too and some other fish that can withstand strong water currents as well as benefit from it. I heard angelfish like peaceful water.
A picture of the tank (the filtration outputs) might help. In a 100G the fish should be able to find a quiet spot in the tank if need be.
I'm interested in an answer to this too. I picked up 3 small Angels for my tank (going through a stock change at the moment).

I've slowed my filter outflow using some old filter media because I thought the current was too fast for them.
Here you go! The outputs are on the right and left sides. I put them underneath the plants for water circulation! Would totally love some suggestions -

That setup looks great. The angel has space to swim if the current is too much, which it doesn't look like it is
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