elephant nose frustration

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 9, 2012
Hello all,

I recently got an elephant nose fish from a local store (highly recommended). I was warned about the difficulty to an extent. I have been doing much research on this type and am getting freaked out about the possibility of starvation.

All of my fish are healthy and my tank is well cycled and numbers are good.

I know elephant noses are shy and light sensitive, so I subdued the light for when it's on to try and make Eeyore less nervous.

I tried to feed Eeyore using a breeding tank and failed. Then, using a turkey baster to spot feed. I felt very "special" attempting the later. I fed/feed Eeyore after turning the light off for the night and the loaches devoured everything, and i know they are well fed.

I'm considering either loosing the loaches or getting/making a divider to separate him. Not sure what to try.

Any advice? Thanks.
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