empty 5 gal needs filling

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 12, 2004
Northern VA
sooo.... I have an empty 5 gal tank which I want to put something in, but I can't decide on what. I've thought about:

-1 Male Betta and some small other creature and a snail
-these dwarf frogs at my LFS which nobody wants
-an awesome firebellied lizard (dont know if that is the technical term) but I think a 5 gal might be too small, even though they only get about 3 inches long... btw, they stay in water.
-a school of some itty bitty fish
-maybe goldfish??

any other ideas? It is going to go on my desk cause I love having fish right where I work so when I get frustrated with school work I can watch the fish dart around and be happy, hehe.

The tank has really good lighting so plants can be added, and it has a nice biowheel filter that gives a pretty good current. Thanks in advance!
You're probably thinking of a fire-bellied newt. The size you have listed is a little small. Most species can get to be 6 inches long, and usually the smallest they get is 4 inches. You should probably count on at least 5 inches though. And this could be pushing the limit of a five gallon tank, especially if there is anything else in the tank.

They should also be given a place to climb out of the water. They can live entirely in the water, but many are happy to climb out occationally (if not often). Sloping the gravel in the tank could work, as could attacking a ledge to a side (which should be kept close to the water level, or sloped into the water). Some people have just floated a piece of cork board in the water as an island with good results.

Good luck.
How about a betta, a few ghost shrimp, and about 3 of the dwarf african frogs? All of those should go nice together.

Or a small school (3-5) neon tetras, a few of the african frogs?

No goldfish, they need way more room than 5 gallons. I have no experience with the dwarf puffers, nor the firebelly newt.

Good luck deciding. :lol:
I agree on the betta and dwarf frogs.
Thats what is in my little girls tank and it works out great.
Hope this helps.
My daughter has a small school of white clouds in her 5 gallon, they're very easy and get quite pretty when the color up! They always seem so dull in the LFS but they sure don't stay that way. They also don't need a heater. I also think the betta, frog combo is a good one.
The firebelly newt is not going to get 6 inches long, 4 or 5 is the max, with the tail, and it takes a long time, and a 5 gallon is alot of space for a newt, they dont swim around like fish, they jump in, go to the bottom, and sit there, for a long time, if theres other newts, they will chase them around once in a while, they love freeze dried blood worms and tubifex worms, you can give live to (then of course you have to worry about bacteria etc.) They are competitors for food, but ive only kept them i a small tank where they are just tall enough to get on their tails and stand out of the water, i dont know if in a deeper tank they are going to swim to the surface of the water for food, but i dont see why not, just put some on its rock.
thanks everybody, sorry it has taken me so long, but I went away for the weekend. Anyway, I think I am going to go with the firebelly newt. I dropped by the fish store today and they are the same ones that have been there for about 6 months... poor things, nobody seems to want them (I have a soft spot for all unwanted animals...). Anyway, there are just two, would two do ok in the 5 gal? Right now they are both in a 10 gal, with the water approx. 5 inches from the top. Or should I just go with one? I set up the tank so that the water is only about 7-8 inches deep, there is a slate rock propped up for some hiding, and some plants on the surface since somebody mentioned they like sitting near the surface. Also, I dropped a few snails from my other tank (the ones that just seem to multiply like rabbits) in the soon to be newt tank, is this ok? Are there any other creatures which might live comfortably with the newt(s)? I'm gonna search the internet for more info. Thanks again everyone!
well, nevermind about the newts... they need cooler water and even without a heater, for some strange reason my little 5 gal stays around 80-82 degrees. That is ok though because it is now home to two dwarf frogs as a pretty silver/blue male betta. named the frogs Mike and Ike, and still coming up with a name for the pretty boy. thanks again everyone!
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