Filtration options

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 21, 2002
Greencastle, PA
OK, so I went to a pet store yesterday and found a full grown yellow lab...and it was pretty big. According to the websites I found, they should be 30 gallon tank should house about 10. This is a lot for my tank, so I'm going to compromise at 8. Now with such a bioload, and no bottom feeders, I'm going to need a more efficient filter than my little HOB filter. What are my options? Is a sump what I need? A wet-dry? A canister filter? Is there anything I can get that can be used in a bigger tank when I eventually get one?
A Magnum 350 with a Pro 60 Bio Wheel should do a great job. Or one of the larger Eheims. HOB? Emperor 400. We have a 125 at the store that is heavily stocked with angelfish running 2 Emp 400's...never had any problem with that tank.
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