GBR digging sand pits?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 16, 2011
Memphis, TN
Ok, so I've had my (beautiful) GBR for a couple days now, and she is digging these huge pits in the sand bed. Is this normal? I mean, I don't really mind her landscaping, but, this isn't a sign that something is wrong or she's uncomfortable is it? She's become my absolute favorite fish and if something is wrong I want to catch it before it gets bad. Parameters are all steady and normal, also just did a water change (that time of the week). She is in a ten gallon tank with several guppies, once my 36 gallon is stable and finished cycling she will be moved to there. She also almost seems to school with the guppies?
Why would she dig a pit without a male present though? Unless she thinks one of the guppies is another GBR, she's not very smart if she does though LOL is this a good sign that she's at least comfortable in her new home?
They will still dig pits an lay eggs without a male,they will just be infertile,I have 2f/m gbr and they layed eggs an they just got eatin now I have male as well and just waitin now
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