ghost shrimp lifespan?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 14, 2003
los angeles, ca
hi friends,
i was keeping a ghost shrimp in my tank for a few months (when i got him, he was one of the biggest in the tank at the LFS) . he kicked the bucket yesterday after looking like he was on his way out for a few days. it looked like his front legs had given out .. he wasn't swimming and it looked like he couldn't move around .. i had him for a while, so i do'nt THINK that any fish attacked him all of a sudden or anything like that, but it's possible i guess. just wondering if this is normal behaviour or if there's a bully in my tank! (ps water params are fine-- that's not why he died... he was either old or mauled =[ )
I don't know a whole bunch about ghost shrimp but from what Im aware ghost shrimp can get pretty big if they don't get eaten first. So if you got the biggest one in the tank, maybe he was pretty old *shrug* Also, I don't think it would be a bully because if it was, your shrimp would have been gone a long time ago

Thats just my two cents.
i agree.... he was pretty big; bigger than my danios and rams! probably 1.5 inches-- going on 2 with antennaes and everything like that!
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