Help with brine shrimp and worms!!!!

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Here's how I hatch brine shrimp. I took a 2 liter soda bottle, rinsed it out well and poked a hole through the cap. Be careful doing this, the knife I was using slipped closed (pocket knife) and I cut my finger really badly! I followed the directions on the box of shrimp eggs to create the right mix of eggs, water, and marine salt, then I fed some airline tubing into the hole in the cap and put an airstone on the end of the tube. I slid the airstone down to the bottom of the bottle and plugged my air pump in. Two or three days later, they hatched, and I poured some of them through a brine shrimp net, rinsed them and fed them to my fish. I added some spiraling flakes in for the rest of them and let them grow for a while, then I fed the adult brine shrimp a few days later. Then unhook, rinse, and repeat once all the shrimp are gone. You can also buy a brine shrimp hatchery to make the process a little easier.
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