hospital tank slime

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 25, 2004
the whole inside of my hospital tank is FULL of slime. the filter is bogging down because it is SO slimy in there. (yes I cleaned it out today) Is this normal? I am treating with maracyn2 and melafix.
I think I am going to go get a stronger filter today. I have had this one for over year and I think its not strong enough. I think its one of those whisper filters for a ten gallon.
How big is your tank? & is the filter cartridge clogged with it? Can you describe the 'slime'?
ten gallon, filter clogged, just slimey, grose fuzzy whiteish looking stuff growing on everything. when I rinsed out the filter it was squishy. Anyway, I got a new filter today. will see if this improves anything
well, the walls are still slimy but the water looks great!! I have the new filter running as well as the old one. The kind of filter I got is a corner filter. I have never seen these before. I wouldn't put it in my 55 but it works great for the ten. :D
kind of like white fuzz? I had that too in my hospital tank. Don't remeber if it was on the walls but it was on the bottom.
Im assuming its algae. short white fuzzy algae. My ottos seemed to have taken care of the situation though. I think they are getting better.
I don't know if white algae exists, maybe fungus or residue from un eaten foods or something.
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