How do i get rid of endlers?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 4, 2009
I am sick of having endlers livebearers in my 20 gal tall. It is moderately planted and has ghost shrimp and lots of snails, and i dont want to destroy my tank in the process of removing these fish that are reproducing extremely quick. Is there any fish that i could put in there that would eat them and not wreck how i have my tank arranged and would not eat the snails or shrimp?
That's a pretty tall order. I think the simple answer is no. You could try a fish trap though. A simple model that has had some success is to take a 16 oz soda bottle, cut the top cone off at it's widest point, invert the top and reinsert it into the bottle body. You end up with what looks like a bottle that has a funnel stuck in the top of it. Put a little food in it and place it in the tank (full of water as you might guess).

I've used this method with reasonable success. You may get some unwanted shrimp in there but they are a lot easier to get out of the bottle than out of the tank.

Sparky, kudos for the humane way to set a trap.

Personally I would do the same or net them and give them away. I'd rather take the time netting than inhumanly put something in there to eat them. We had tons of platy fry (4 fat females bursting babies every 30 or so days) and put them up on our freecycle (kind of like craigslist) but the point is that I netted each and every one of them.
Thanks, i will try the bottle method. i really didnt want to set a predatory fish loose in my tank anyway, i just didnt figure there was an easy way to trap them. I will give that a try.
just slowly net them out as you can find them. best idea is getting the large females that are spawning first.
Net the big ones, any fry borrow a friends angel fish or pretty much any fish, they will all eat live fry.

Ghost shrimp are supposed to eat fry too at times.
I have had the same problem. I have done just what Dragonfish has. I place an add on Freecycle. I have done it 4 times already. All my fry ,that have not gotten eaten by the larger fish in the tank get good homes. There are lots of people out there that would like your fish. I don't feel bad about having the fry get eaten and I make someone happy with fish.
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