How filthy are these?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 9, 2013
I have these in my 55g fresh:

1 danio
1 tetra
1 ghost catfish
1 pictus catfish
1 albino bristlenose pleco
1 red tailed shark
1 convict cichlid

Is this stocking ok?

My filtration:

1 fluval 306 canister filter
1 aqua clear 70 hob
2 ati hydro iv's sponge filters
1 power head for additional water movement

Is this sufficient?
I know the tetras need a school of 8 or more and the danio does too I'm not sure about the rest. More people with more experience will probably chime in soon
Well, I don't think you have too many fish for your filtration, but I believe the pictus cat fish (that I'm sure at least 70g) and shark need a bigger tank, and the danios, glass cat fish and tetras are schooling fish that need to be kept in groups of minimum 6.. I think you filtration can take the extra fish to fill in your groups :)
EDIT: maybe someone could give more info on the filtration, I'm really not an expert.
Not sure about the bioload deal, but you don't want to keep danios or tetras singular. They are schooling fish and really need at least 4-5 buddies (each breed). And I am pretty sure that once a Convict, pictus, and red shark get big enough, they may try to eat the smaller fish. I would avoid the red shark altogether as they are very aggressive fish.
What the others have said is correct. Your filtration is also more then plenty for what you have. Up the tetra, danio to at least 5+, remove the convict and picts and your set. Ghost cats aka glass catfish need a group as well. The convict will become bigger and eat a lot of your stock and the pictus gets too big. The bristlenose and red tail are perfectly fine if you remove what I said.
Yeah, I agree. Filtration is good. The Pictus will get big and eat everything. The red-tailed sharks get big & mean also. May I suggest a second tank to separate community fish (tetras) from aggressive fish.
I hope this helps...keep in mind the adult size of the fish...the glass cats will be around 3-4 inches, enjoys plants, for optimum happiness a school of 8-10 and are carnivores with very small mouths, mine never eat flakes.

The red tail shark will be around 6-7 inches, mine never harmed any tank mates but it will be territorial and chase tank mates. (Mine is with 1 angel fish, 8 glass cats, cory cats, golden wonder killis and bristlenose pleco.)
The red tail shark is extremely smart and 1 of my favorite took me a week and I trained her to do tricks and play hide and seek, 1 tap on the glass and she would hide, 2 taps and she would come out, she would hide in the decoration I had my finger near.
One thing to keep in mind that I learned is to have the hiding places big enough for the pleco and shark to both fit in comfortably. At first my decorations were a bit tight fitting and the shark would get scrapes on her belly from rubbing against the hard back fin of the pleco.

And like the others said the danio and tetras need a school also, and I know nothing about convict cichlid or the pictus catfish.
Aren't all Cichlids supposed to be in a species only aquarium because of how aggressive they are?
Aren't all Cichlids supposed to be in a species only aquarium because of how aggressive they are?

I have read that as well, but found out too late. He has been very civil so far. He only chases my Red Tailed Shark every now and then, but nothing too brutal. But that can change when he gets older. It is a plan of mine to make this an all cichlid tank, and will get rid of the smaller fish as I add more cichlids
Pretty sure pictus need a school of 3+... Not completely sure. Like all others said, tetras and danios up to 5+, preferably 8+. Pictus are super hyper.

Cycling 45 Gallon. ???
Yeah I use to own pictus, they need more like 4+ then they'll huddle up together and do awesomely
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