How long should i wait before adding new fish?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 31, 2013
To make a long story very short, I had a very simple cold water tank (10g, 2 goldfish, 1pleco, 1 Betta) going for over a year before I knew none of that was right. When I found out, I separated the fish, heated one tank, gave all the fish more room and thought I was doing the right thing. The warm tank looked pretty empty so I bought a few neons to add to it. They brought fungus and ick with them. My tank was crazy for a while but I treated it and it has been fine now for about a month. Water is perfect, fish are healthy. The only thing I have added are plants from a store that does not mix their fish and plants.

This tank is 12g, heated, and has 5 neon tetras, 2 amazon swords, 1 tall grassy plant (giant hair grass or something like that) and a bunch of smaller plants I don't know the name of.

I feel like 12g could handle more fish but I am worried about upsetting the balance. How long would you wait? How would you introduce new fish? What would go well with neons? I was thinking of some fancy guppies and a couple ghost shrimp and maybe some snails to help keep the rank clean. Maybe a betta?. But I am very open to suggestions.
I was just on to check if I could put a trio of corydoras in my 12 gallon. =) It will have a few guppies swimming around up top and I thought a few bottom dwellers will make it more lively.
So I'm in the same boat. =)
I like that you can put in your tank size on that site and it'll give a list of suitable species for it.
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