How often do you test your water?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 26, 2011
Just out of curiosity. I assume that people test the levels in the water after any type of water change. Is there any other times that you would test that is not because of a water change?
I test weekly. Unless I see something like milky water, Fish breathing hard,
Flashing Scratching. etc.
I usually test my water on wednesday or thursday just to keep an eye on things. I do my weekly 50% water change in all my tanks on saturday or sunday depending on what i've got going on. I test mine about halfway between water changes, but doing so before makes more since IMO than after... unless you've got some parameter problems.
I test weekly on all my tanks, Friday for the 6.6 gallon, Saturday for the 10 gallon, and Sunday for 30 gallon (right after church)
I like to test once a week, more if I suspect a problem. I test just before performing my weekly water change. Testing after a complete week lets me know if more frequent water changes may be needed. Also, I will test the water sooner when I've made some changes to the tank like adding more fish or plants.
once or twice a week. I always do nitrate twice in a row to make sure I shook it enough.
I test my water every month. Some people will find this as strange but I know what my water chemistry is like. All water changes are done with RO water. Haven't had any problems in years.
Once a week.....but if I see the fish acting strangely, since one does get a feel for your pets behaviour, when something is out of the ordinary, I would do then just an ammonia and/or nitrite test.
I test my water every month. Some people will find this as strange but I know what my water chemistry is like. All water changes are done with RO water. Haven't had any problems in years.
I used to test regularly but probably haven't tested now in a month or more. I work from home, however, so my interaction and ability to observe my fish are probably more than most. I count the fish every day, look at each fish every day and do large water changes every weekend.

Right now I know that I have to watch my Angel tank closely, for example, because they just laid eggs and are up a notch with their aggression so I have to watch for injury closely...
I test once a month too. I'm a SAHM so always keep a close eye on my fish. I've never had any problems, so I've never seen the need to test weekly!
Yeah same here always do a head count when the lights go on. I think once you have a few years experience and know how much to feed and when to feed it you don't need to test cause your not leaving excess food rotting in the tank. Helps if you buy nice healthy fish from a good dealer.
The stocking police will be along shortly to take me away...

I honestly never test water any more except when cycling a tank.

In the beginning before I knew the signs and symptoms of various issues, I tested quite frequently... at least weekly. Now I can tell what is going on by looking for signs like various forms of algae growth, and nutrient deficiencies with my plants.
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