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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 30, 2006
My aquarium has those nematode worms things in it. They arent hearting eanything, But I find it very sick that theyre there. I want them gone. I will be cleaning the tank and hopefully I get rid of them. Eany suggestions. Hopefully Ill be adding live plants to the tank so I was going to re-do it eany way.
I have no idea how to get rid of them. I have been told though that they are a good sign, it turns out that they need perfect water quality to grow.

EDIT: My mistake I was thinking of those little guys with the tentacles that like to grab on to fry. These are just the opposite :oops:
Usually cutting back on feedings and doing water changes will rid your tank of them. What size tank and how often do you feed?
I have a 30gallon aquarium and I feed them every morning and evening.
Try feeding smaller quantities or feeding only once per day. Smaller feedings should work. Only feed as much as the fish can eat in a minute or two.
A good gravel vac would probably help too. There's probably alot of uneaten food stuck in the substrate that the nematodes are feasting on.
Yes of course, for me gravel vacs are synonymous with pwc's. I have to remember that they aren't for everyone. Thanks for reminding me!
I may start cleaning the tank out tomorrow.
Also, My friend has a oscar, Its about 3 Years old if not 2.
Very pretty. But It kills eany fish its with. Even other oscars its size. Thats where the problem comes in. It kills Plecos to. Large plecos, Small Plecos, Medium plecos.
And its hard keeping his tank clean. He's tried offering it to pet stores but they said its to big and it would be more trouble to keep for them than for him. He cant find a home for it either and its become a real problem for him, and it would hurt him to just kill.

What can he do?
I just clean out the tank and set it back up. If theyre still theyre I not sure. Im hoping that I my rid of them. For now Ill let the tank cycle.
I would cut back on feedings also, maybe try to suck them out when ya clean the gravel? I've never delt witht hem so I can't offer to much advice...what causes them anyways?
From what I hear and believe, access food that the fish dont eat and fish exscresions.
I cleaned the tank, April 9th, and they were gone.
TODAY, Theyre back.
Is it posible for them and fish to live together?
And what would happen if I clean the tank out once a month?
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