Info on dinosaur birchir

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 5, 2012
I have a dinosaur Birchir but I don't know a lot about them ik they get to be around 18in but like what's they're main diet and when it gets bigger will it get along with a crawfish
I have a dinosaur Birchir but I don't know a lot about them ik they get to be around 18in but like what's they're main diet and when it gets bigger will it get along with a crawfish

Ahhh my old friends: the Polypterus.

The so called "Dinosaur Bichir" or Senegal Bichir is called scientifically Polypterus Senegalus. In the wild they can get up to around 14 inches long but don't expect that in the aquaria. I would say around 10 inches are a good maximum size. Mine 3 that I have had through my years maybe it up to 6-8 inches quickly, then growth slowed considerably.

They are carnivorous fish who will consume shrimp, sinking pellets, and any fish able to fit in their mouth (although that can also be dependent on the personality of the Bichir but it's more likely than not). It will get along great with a crawfish! Up until the crawfish molts and then the Bichir will kill it.

Let me know if there are any other questions about it. I've kept many types of Polypterus over the years.
My experience with birchirs is that they tend to be more like scavengers rather than predators. They spend most of their time sniffing around the bottom of the tank looking for any uneaten bits of pellets or meaty food they can find. They really prefer eating something that is not alive rather than killing a live fish (to my experience) Mine seem to only make a kill if they are very hungry other than that they don't touch live fish. I usually throw in some thawed shrimp for them they also really enjoy live earthworms and i occasionally will cut up some fish fillets and throw in some peices to them.
My experience with birchirs is that they tend to be more like scavengers rather than predators. They spend most of their time sniffing around the bottom of the tank looking for any uneaten bits of pellets or meaty food they can find. They really prefer eating something that is not alive rather than killing a live fish (to my experience) Mine seem to only make a kill if they are very hungry other than that they don't touch live fish. I usually throw in some thawed shrimp for them they also really enjoy live earthworms and i occasionally will cut up some fish fillets and throw in some peices to them.

They are nocturnal predators. One of my Delhezi's could finish off 15 Rosy Red Minnows in a night or during the day if he was feeling bold. (Word of advice here: I would not use feeder fish anymore because of their chances to hold disease).

*Edit* every Bichir tends to have their own personality too. Some are aggressive, some docile. It's best to feel out you specific fish.
Wow thnx guys and I don't think I have to worry bout my birch or and crawfish when it molts my crawfish is mean when it's protecting something
Wow thnx guys and I don't think I have to worry bout my birch or and crawfish when it molts my crawfish is mean when it's protecting something

If you keep ur birchir well fed you should have no problems :) mine leave my fish alone as long as they are fed but if i forget to drop food in they usually try a go at my smaller fish
I have 2 senegal bichirs and they are not picky at all they will eat really anything I put in the tank. But I had an electric blue crawfish in my tank a couple months ago when I had one Bichir about 4" and when my crawfish molted he got eaten right away ($20 meal for my bichir haha). But I have 5 red claw crabs in my tank now with 2 bichirs one 4" and one 7" and they leave them alone but I feed them a couple small meals throughout the day so that might be why
Ok yeah I have a craw fish and I went on a trip to Tennessee and came back to a surprise. My crawfish molted I was like oh snap but my ill birchir is only an inch


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Here are some pictures of the size comparison and anyone know what kinda crawfish this is


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yea the crawfish should be good just make sure he has a good hiding spot when he molts. I have 5 red claw crabs in my tank and my 2 bichirs leave them alone the only time one got eaten was by my ropefish when I first put him in the tank but now he only eats live worms
Ok thnx and I want a rope fish those are really kewl

yea my ropefish is my favorite but they are very picky eaters and shy at first. I have to cut up worms to bite size pieces and stick my hand in the tank and hold it right in front of him so he will eat but now he knows my hand means food and is starting to swim around during the day a lot more
I love hand feeding fish I used to have a gar fish and I would hand feed it feeder fish it was awesome
I would worry about the cray killing the senegal. Senegals will hardly ever eat some like that and are gentle. Their max in captivity is around 10". They eat almost anything and are fun to watch. They are almost blind but have a good sense of smell. They will sometimes go right over food too and not eat it because of that. They also change color to their or dark substrate and you will see their "true" color.
Also if you put feeder fish in only put in a few because they have eyes bigger then their stomachs, I put 10 rosy red minnows in and by the next morning all where gone and it looked like my bigger bichir ate at least 7 of them his stomach was HUGE! But what is their "true" color? my little one is dark colored but my big one (about 7") has turned really light in color almost like an olive color and I have black substrate
Also if you put feeder fish in only put in a few because they have eyes bigger then their stomachs, I put 10 rosy red minnows in and by the next morning all where gone and it looked like my bigger bichir ate at least 7 of them his stomach was HUGE! But what is their "true" color? my little one is dark colored but my big one (about 7") has turned really light in color almost like an olive color and I have black substrate

For a Polypterus Senegalus, the lighter olive-grey color is their true color.
Mine is like a tab with almost like s black camo on his head its really cool
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