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is this a polka dot loach?? if so what is their max size?
Borneo suckers(hill stream loaches prefer colder water than most tropicals, just keep that in mind.
@zimmanski - yes they do. I've cooked a couple even at 78*. I'm thinking about a pair of cool loaches but are they ok in gravel ?? I've only seen them in sand
Maybe Kubotai which seems to be ok in gravel or as you said Striata
@zimmanski - yes they do. I've cooked a couple even at 78*. I'm thinking about a pair of cool loaches but are they ok in gravel ?? I've only seen them in sand
Maybe Kubotai which seems to be ok in gravel or as you said Striata

They prefer sand, anything with barbels prefer sand.
There has been a lot of recommendation for Striata ... Ill get that if I can find them again
Both these loaches have the same needs and max size, just different color patterns. Pick ones you like or mix them, they should still shoal together. I have clown, striata and angelicus loaches and they all hang out and play together
I def don't have a big enough tank for clown. We shall see... No rush, I don't like giving them back
I def don't have a big enough tank for clown. We shall see... No rush, I don't like giving them back

Oh I'm sorry that must have came out wrong haha, I definitely don't suggest a clown loach, not even for my tank (I'm upgrading soon). I was just saying if you can't decide between the two you can do both if you wanted. The small body botia are very neat little fish, enjoy them!
No no it's ok. I've had many fish I've loved and for one reason and another had to rehome. I just rehomed Spike my pictus. Very Hard. Simply out grew tank and became territorial. Had to Rehome an African Butterfly I loved named Mothra....very aggressive !!!!
I'm worried about gravel and the loaches... Their skin and barbels are more sensitive than Cory's
Don't put Chain (Y. sidthimunki) Loaches with fishes with long finnage as they will nip fins. I like to use Zebra Loaches (B. striata) to control snails. They do a good job and don't get too large but are a bit shy.
Now we're getting somewhere.. Are all loaches snail eaters? I need my explosion of snails for the puffer !!!
Sorry about your pictus. I've got a pictus in my community tank and yes they definetely do become territorial. Luckily though mine has a BIG ship that it has made its home and no other fish dares go in there except my common pleco and he even gets attacked and chased out. Nice fish with long barbels! By the way, how did you catch your pictus? I had an employee at a big box store catch mine with a regular fish net and the poor thing got caught in the net, but luckily I got it unstuck without hurting it
@arronjohn - I caught Spike The Pictus in a ghost tube he went in the ghost tube I put my hands on each end to close it off and just lifted him out- no damage - oh, and with the lights off so he didn't see
Closed the ends off with your hands! Wasn't you worried about getting spiked, poked, or thorned (whatever you wanna call it)?
Didn't really think of that... O well, not poisoness
I wouldn't do it to a lionfish!!! LOL
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