Moon crabs

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 17, 2003
Can anyone give me some detailed info on moon crabs? These are the blue shell/red leg variety. I know they can escape as well. I would like tank params, feeding habits and water temp, Ph, calcium, etc.....

I know this is a lot of info, but google gave very little on these crabs.

Thanks all
I've never heard of moon crabs for FW. Like all crabs they would easily escape if given the oppurtunity. Crabs will climb on the filter tubes and heater and things like that and try and escape.

The only FW crabs I've heard of are fiddlers and golden fiddlers, but these are basically brackish to saltwater.
:lol: Thanks guys, I am still digging though. Anyone with personal experience is welcome to jump in!!

hrm.. it seems if you give them a spot to climb out and get fresh air (i have a piece of driftwood that sticks out of the water) and they seem to be fine.

they used to escape until i put some place for them to crawl out and crawl back in to the water
Like has been said, cover ALL holes otherwise you'll be searching for the crabs. I lost 3 fiddler crabs because they breathe air and need to be above water 90% of the time. They cannot live in a completely submerged enivronment. They also need BW water because of the calcium and other beneficial elements in SW salt mix.
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