My poor pictus catfish lives a life of fear. Suggestions?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 28, 2005
Conshohocken, PA
Hello all,

Two weeks ago I noticed, for the first time, the striking pictus catfish in the local Petsmart I go to (unfortunately no LFS's around, though this place takes very good care fo their fish). I came back home, researched them a bit, and picked one up the next day.

Once he was in the tank, he darted immediately for the large castle I have and hid out. I expected this, as I'm sure he was frightened.

Unfortunately, it's been two weeks and I RARELY see him. Here's the problem: He is horribly bullied by my red-tailed shark. Every single time the pictus comes out, the red-tailed shark will mercilessly go after him. He only leaves him alone when the pictus stays in the castle (which is odd, as that is what I consider the red-tailed shark's territory).

I feel very bad for this fish. I don't even know how he is eating, except for maybe the wafers I drop in the tank at night. The odd thing is that my red-tailed shark, my favorite fish in the tank, has never bothered any other fish like this (including gouramis, zebra danios, tiger barbs, bala sharks, and a rubber-lipped pleco). I bought another small castle thinking maybe they needed more hiding space, but it's being unused.

So I have two problems: One is I feel bad for this poor fish being bullied on all the time. Second, I have a decent sized fish using up tank resources that I never, ever see. What can I do? Will Petsmart let me "return" him to the schooling tank they have there? If I get another one, will that make everything better?

Thanks for the advice.
hrm, bullied? that seems sort of strange.. I thought most pictus had quite an attitude... they are very nocturnal animals like all catfish..

anyways it took mine awhile to get used to my colombian shark, as he was getting bullied, but then he started growing at an alarming rate (like two inches in a month) and now he and his other pictus cat friend run the tank...

petsmart does have a 14 day warranty on all fish, im not sure if thats just dead fish, but they should take it back..
being stressed all the time is not good for fishies. It lowers the immune system making it easier for them to get sick. What size tank are they in?
Yeah, and I'm especially surprised since my red-tailed never showed aggression like this before.

I don't think the tank size is an issue. Currently I have 1 red-tailed, 1 pictus, 1 rubber-lipped pleco, 5 tiger barbs, and 2 zebra danios in a 29 gallon tank. About 14-17 inches of fish.
I have a pictus catfish as well.. 4". He is beutiful! He also only comes out when the lites go out. Has been like this since I got him,.

pictus cats *should* get to about 8 inches, so perhaps consider taking the fish back? I know it is hard, I just turned them down today, even though I have a 55 gallon. Pictus cats like to be in groups of three and a 29 gallon wouldn't be able to hold that much. Besides, you don't want him to become sick from being picked on so much :(

or get a bigger tank and add lots of hiding spots so your red tail can make a territory for himself :mrgreen:
I would remove the Red taile shark they are very mean and agressive, please buy the pictus cat a buddy they are social fish and prefer companions. It is not good fro fish to be stressed as Meredith stated above.

I have to agree with Rubysoho's comments and advice, take the Pictus back. You should have no problem, just explain the situation.
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