My tank was to easy...

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 18, 2004
Well i love my tank and all but it was WAY to easy....

getting everything=simple
setting up=simple
cycleing=simple AND quick (3 weeks)
stocking=easy (best part :wink: )

ya know how you hear about all these exciting, although sometimes bad things that happen when you start a tank....mine was just to easy lol

anyone else have this problem?
oh and are bigger tanks more fun cause im having fun but im mad that it was SOOOOOOO easy lol
sorry for the long and pointless post
First off, bigger tanks are more fun.

Some people just don't have any trouble with cycling. I personally don't. Especially not now that I have plenty of filter media to cycle with.

As far as stocking, as long as you buy peaceful fish you probably won't have problems. If you want problems go to Wal Mart and buy the african cichlid with the most white spots. J/J

Eventually you'll probably start a semi aggressive and/or cichlid tank, then you'll see what all the problems are about.
Glad it was so easy for you.
Yes big tanks are more fun.
I had a great time planning and setting up my 180gal Oscar tank.
If you are very careful and plan ahead, and know what to look out for, it should be easy and uneventful - that's the goal we all shoot for.

I just wish that when I started out in this hobby there had been a site like this (or Internet, come to think of it, lol) that would have saved me many costly mistakes from ignorance. Having suffered many tricky issues over the years has taught me quite a bit, and I never would have learned if I had not gone through it.

Now, whenever I plan something new, I can post here about it and get the scoop ahead of time - you just can't beat that!
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