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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 1, 2007
I recently had a betta pass away, and I'm looking for something to put into the tank. I have a 10 gal with 3 cories, 3 otos, and a bamboo shrimp. Also has a billion anacharis plants. (skipped 1 week of water changes, still have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and 15 nitrates, but usually nitrates are lower, and the rise caused a plant bloom) I don't want to overstock, but I'm not sure I want another betta (don't want to feel like I'm replacing the last one). Suggestions? Maybe a dwarf gourami, or something that I've read about/ noticed at the pet store is glofish. Basically zebra danios with jellyfish dna. Surely they need a group. How many? Would a group/a few overstock my tank? Thanks. Trying to avoid a disaster before it happens. Also are danios responsive to people? My betta always came to the edge when I was looking into the tank, I enjoyed it.
well glofish are smaller than danios... but I think a group of 6 would go fine and maybe 2 or 3 more corries and that would be good IMO. I think the glo fish would be a good choice, especially if the tank has a lot of elodea (anarchis)
Glofish are zebra danios (danio rerio) that have been genetically modified with the jellyfish DNA for the flourescent coloration. They come in a few different colors now, and I'm not sure if each color comes from a different species' DNA, or what. At any rate, they are exactly like zebra danios except for the color, and when they breed they do pass on the coloration to their offspring- it becomes part of the fishes' DNA. I wouldn't personally keep zebra danios in a 10 gallon, as I feel that they are too active for such a small tank.
I'm afraid 2-3 more cories would be pushing it...especially with 6....any other opinions?
6 what? I'd really consider a calm centerpiece fish rather than the danios. They are extremely active swimmers. ;)
A ten gallon tank is too small for danios. I have them in my 20 gallon long and they just whiz from one end to the other.
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