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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 11, 2004
The South-SOoTHWEsT that is
Over the course of this week I have been barking at my son about water changes ..his betta looks tattered so I thought maybe he skipped some.
I found the culprit..and it wasn't the water...

It is near the witching hour and I was gathering laundry in the dim, I noticed he forgot to turn the fishy lites off. As I approach the tanks I behold a site....

Uncolfish is dancing the betta dance at the front. Normal.
He flares. Normal.
And suddenly stiffens; curls his body and starts whirling. He contorts around...stretches his body and bites his own dorsal!!! And then as he comes to my attention again..his eyes suddenly swivel with an evil glint and he reaches over in a pounce and bites his own tail..and took a chunk!! 8O What tha...?!? Like a retard dog! Just greeat! to make him stop? The betta uncol and aa-n'ti ay are going in their newly cycled divided 5 gallon with a internal filter. Stylin!
Maybe seeing "aunti" closer will divide his attention away from that sneaky fish that sits at the glass and sneaks behind him.... :roll:

Just like those dogs that snarl and attack their tails while they are trying to eat. Dumb! Dunno how to stop it tho; I think your idea of moving aunti closer may distract him. Shame they don't make a product similar to the "stop thumb sucking" one for fish LOL
Maybe he sees his own reflection, like you said b/c it's dark outside the tank, so if the tank light was on only when the room light was on he'd be ok? He did attack himself after he flared. How weird!

I once read a thread about an iguana who started biting his tail when he was switched from a wire cage to a plexiglass one where he could see his own reflection.
I love it i just love it! maybe that is his way of telling you he is hungry! :lol:
I love it i just love it! maybe that is his way of telling you he is hungry! :lol:
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