PH and hardness of water?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 18, 2011
I have a quick question.
Do water conditioner and aquarium salt affect the heardness and ph of water? I've heard aquarium salt does but i want someone to confirm it.
Hi Cassiopeia, I don't think water conditioner would have any effect on hardness or ph, but salt would reduce the hardness of the water, salt is used in water softeners, I'm sure it wouldn't affect ph though.

unless someone knows better?.

I read that adding common salt doesn't affect water hardness but it increases osmotic pressure but adding CaCl2 would increase both oncotic pressure and the hardness.

Here is a good article on how salt affects pH:
Hardness water=minerals
so water conditioner would kills the minerals...would'nt that make the water softer?
What kind of water conditioner are you thinking of - a fancy 'water conditioning system' would affect your hardness and pH. Water conditioner liquid that you add to your tap water to neutralize the chlorine will not change the hardness or pH of your water.

In a water softening system, an ionic exchange column is used to replace the calcium and magnesium in your water with other salts,thus lowering the chemical hardness. Adding aquarium salt to your tank will not have the same effect.

pH is affected by your carbonate hardness or kH - the higher the kH the more buffering capacity - the more it will take to permanently change your pH.

Is there something specific you are trying to do?
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