Question about tetras, ,rummy and peguin specifically

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 11, 2004
The South-SOoTHWEsT that is
Do they like caves or are they just nosy?

The snall ones will be black knife fodder even without him missing a meal!
They keep poking their nosy selves in his cave until he come out with a snap! And he even LOOKS hostile! Like "get outta my house you vermin!"

He still comes up to get his tidbits every morning and evening and they make way; they dart EVERYwhere. and the run along the bottom tail up like sniffing hounds. Pesty! Not like neons. They even sleep in the corner behind his cave.
Does predator not register on these guys? Or have they dismissed him as slow?
The 2 larger rummys will even come eat out of his dish right in front of his window. He sometimes get so annoyed he chases them away. Does a great moray impression. Wow, I hand fed that mouth!
The red disc shaped ones just hang at the log and school around sedately to feed.
I have rummy nose tetras and they don't really poke around much of anywhere. They school mid tank. They don't poke in my loaches hole in his piece of wood. I don't have any aggressive fish in with them though.
Leave it to me to get the odd ones!
When in QT they were hanging around and in with the loaches until the loaches chased them out. And they looked like squabbling birds when it was bloodworm dinnertime. They loaches become a pack of deliquents then. Pushin shovin. I know the lfs feed primarily some kinda crumbles and few eat live fodder. guess they all like it.
Dutch isn't considered an aggresive animal, just a poor tankmate because the propensity of making smaller tankmates disappear...
I 'm sure he would ignore them if they were not setting his magnetic field all a-jangle by coming in his house...
They have several places to hide, yet they hang near the place they may come up missing from ^>^
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