serpaes guard their eggs?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 9, 2011
I assume Serpae tetras lay eggs. Do they guard them? We have a cave and lately one of our serpaes has been hanging out in there, and I just saw it Chase away another fish when it came close to the opening
I've never bred tetras myself, but I don't think that they will guard their eggs. Most either scatter their eggs or attach them to plant leaves, not in caves.
Tetras are egg scatterers, more likely to eat their own eggs but never guard them. They're not usually territorial either, may be something wrong with that one. One of my 5 Colombian tetras was hanging out alone at one end of the tank for a few days before I realized it was missing an eye. Few days later it was completely missing, so I picked up 5 more to increase the size of the group. All 9 seem to be doing fine, no clue what happened to the 1 that was injured.
Yeah he hangs in the cave/in the door way of the cave alot of the time now. But still comes out to swim with everyone. And hes a little pig at feeding time just like everyone else. Just weird I dunno, lol.
Its like he comes out to make his rounds then goes right back in . He looks ok, I cant tell if hes missing anything or sick.
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