Should i replace my media on bio-wheel?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 26, 2005
cleveland OH
i have this penguin biowheel filter and its been like a month into cycleing and i was wondering if i can wash/change the media becasue of the bio-wheel? ohh and guess what! i saw a crayfish looking skin thingy and thought my crayfish had died, and i checked everywhere under my pots etc and he wasw nowhere to be found and i was bummed, then i looked in a hour lator and There he was!!!!! hes a shifty fellow indeed! i dont know i guess he shead his outer skin or sumthing like a snake cuz he got bigger!
He molted! Thats great news! (y)
just rinse your pads out in a bag filled with aquarium water.. I wouldnt trust the bio-wheel to keep enough bacteria for the tank (its risky business considering it can send you into another cycle..ack!)
You can rinse your penguin filter pad without fear. There's enough good bactaria all over your gravel and ornaments. I rinse my Penguin Mini pads weekly and discard them only when they are falling apart. It's never necessary to clean the biowheel itself - rarely, you'll just have to remove salt deposits from the axle if it stops spinning.

Congrats on your crayfish' successful molt. I leave the shed exoskeleton in the tank for a few days - the crayfish usually eats it to reclaim some of the minerals. What kind do you have - blue, red, brown?
if the pads are properly rinsed you retain much if not all the bacteria.. so there should be very little worry.. You can always cultivate new bacteria on a new pad by placing it in the filter 10 days or so before the swap, if your really conserned..
waht about the bio wheel does that have the NO2 and NO3? adn whats molted mean? and hes blue
I think your refering to the bacteria that convert NH3 to NO2 and then the bacteria that converts NO2 to NO3 being on the bio-wheel.. I would only think of the bio-wheel as a supplement to your bio-filtration, Ive had them and from my experiance they didnt really have as much bacteria as I thougt it would have before getting one..
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