^^; this has been nagging at the back of my mind...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 10, 2005
How do people ship the fish to petstores and such without smacking them around too much to kill them all? o_o;;
Many of the larger places just ship numbers to make up for the DOA. I have been at the local Petsmart several times when they get their shipments in and worked at Wal-Mart a few years during college. The times I have been at Petsmart when they were opening the goods (dozen times or so) the following was observed. Everytime the boxes looked like they fell off the truck. Corners dented, rips in boxes, and usually wet (I wonder if...) The boxes I observed looked to be used several times by the looks. I didn't see any insulation just boxes marked live fish. Often 30 to 40 percent of the fish were dead. The bags were severally overstocked with fish. Many bags of all but a few fish were dead. I spoke with one of the the "fish experts" and she said it was normal from her (less than a year) experience at that particular store. I have observed several different ways at other smaller shops, insulated boxes (styrofoam), newspapers, insulation, and towels.
Yeah, I was just like....how the heck do they get them without most of them being dead? X3 but then again most fish do die when they overstock them ><
Good shippers have mortality-rates of less than 10%...in all the years that I worked in and owned pet shops, I have only a few times had even 40% dead fish, and all those times were due to shipping screw-ups.
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