WARNING: Polka dot picus cat fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 9, 2013
If you have small fish, Molly's Platys ect... This fish is not for you. Tthis fish torments other tank mates and actually EATS them. Retailers are not always right, that's why they tend to be working retails. Study before adding fish, this one gets about 6 inches long. Learn from my mistakes and don't get it with small tank mates, this fish is a real downer on beginners
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It is too bad that you were not properly warned at the store of their potential size and eating habits. There are some very good people working retail in fish / pet stores, but there are also a lot that are misinformed, ignorant of the details, etc. It is really on you though. What questions did you ask? If all you did was point out a fish to bag...

You should absolutely always research fish before buying them.
Never trust a catfish. Lol. Yet I have at least one in every tank of mine.
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