Well water

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 1, 2011
Ames, IA

I have well water. I am also getting a twenty gallon tank. Here is a list of the fish that I hope to get for this tank.

6-8 Zebra Danios
4 Panda Cory Catfish
6-8 Male Fancy Guppies

Can these fish survive in well water? Are there any other problems that you can see with this combination? Should I get more of something? Is this okay for a twenty gallon?
I'd recommend that you test your well water from the tap. That should give you the best indication as to whether or not your choice of fish can survive in it. You may find that your well water's pH may not be compatible with all of your fish. At that point you can take any necessary steps to make your water suitable. I don't see any problem with the danios and guppies together, but I don't know enough about the cory catfish to say.

Good Luck!
Thank you. Online I've seen that the cories can be kept with them, I just thought I'd see what every one here had to say.

What does it tell you if my Betta is perfectly fine in my well water? Does that say anything at all?
I use well water on my tanks and haven't had any problems I still add the water conditoner though
OK, here is the most important thing about fish keeping in my experience...you can keep just about any fish in just about any water as long as it is stable.
I sucessfully kept angels and discus (all the books say soft acidic water 6.0 pH) and the reality is that it is the stability of the water that matters.
In my well water tanks I kept (different tanks) discus, angels, cory cats, kuhli loaches, neons and cardinal tetras, cherry barbs, ottos, lemon tetras and probably others that I can't think of right now.
My pH was 8.2 but very stable because there was enough minerals in it to keep it there all the time. My fish thrived and grew quite large due to the weekly water changes and all the good minerals in the water.
Well water is awesome for fish keeping because there is usually no chlorine added so you don't have to use those chemicals as well.
I wish you luck, I don't see any problems with your fish selections. :)
Good luck to you...post pics!
Okay thanks. I knew that most fish will adjust to almost any water but it was in the far back of my mind. Thanks for your help.

What if the cories lay eggs? Will those be eaten as well? I know I'm close to overstocking, so I don't want to have anymore little fish. Will the dannios eat their eggs?
The cories probably wont lay eggs in a community aquarium...if they do, they likely wont survive. I don't think you have to worry about baby fishies. They will likely become food at the egg stage.
I've read many times that well water is better than (what my wife calls) city water due to there being less treatment chemicals.
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