What kind of angel is this?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 4, 2013
Pipestone, Minnesota
When I got my angels the girl told me that they were young and not done coloring up yet. Just in the last couple of weeks their color has been exploding! When I got them they where silvery white with a few black patches and now they are yellow gold and the one my girls named Pinky had a pinkish dorsal fin that has turned positively orange. I don't know a lot about angels but since I have gotten these guys I am in love they have such big personalities.

This is Pinky

This is Patch
That's kinda what I was thinking. They both seem to get more color on them everyday since I got them. I looked at pics of the gold marbles and they have way more color than those but not as much as the koi. I guess I will just have to wait and see as they grow and continue to develop their color.
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