Will Different Species Cories school Together?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 22, 2004
Lou, Ky
Hey Guys, one of my tanks is a 29 gal community and i recently added two little albino cories to my tank and they are a really fun fish to watch and the hang out near eachother most of the time... I'm wanting to beef up the school to 4 or so but was wondering if it would be ok to get another type of Corey(as there are so many) for a little variety. Or would this just be starting a new seperate school altogether? Thanks in advance.
They will definitely hang together, but probably not as tightly as if they were the same species. You need a group of five or more of the same species to fully experience their zanyness.

I have two large melanistus corys in my 58 gal. They try to hang out with the BN pleco, but she always swims away. They only come out into the open at feeding time.

By contrast, the six dwarf anaeus corys in my 29 gal are out all the time behaving like complete fools!
I have 3 cories in mine. A Mantae, a Juli and a Panda cory and they all stick together except when I drop in the pellets then its a free for all with them.
Mine are not the same,but they hang out most of the time.

Its not a big difference in color though...but I think it will work out either way.
If you are adding to the shoal, its best to get the same kind. Yes, they will hang out, but they associate by color, meaning that they will feel better and more secure with other cories that look like them. Get more albinos...those guys are too cute!
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