Worst Embarrassment...of your tank

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Here is one of my worst looking messes.

Thought I would share it.

My excuse is that although I have done water changes I have been travelling several times in the past few months and did not clean glass inside, etc. Since it is an Edge tank (Fluval) it is super problematic to get in between the sides of the glass and in the corners when you stuff so much DW and stones.

An old light isn't helping and I did a lights off then only half the algae died before I worried about it messing with the tank parameters and algae started growing again.



Beneath the canopy, in the shadows... lurks a beast!!! BBA!!!!! dundundunnnnn.
Looks good to me. Stand back a few feet and enjoy;)
Something similar to yours. My betta tank was pretty jungle on purpose. It was near a window but it had a background and a ton of plants so I thought I wouldn't have too much algae. Well whoops I was wrong. I just redid the tank with some marimo moss balls and an artificial hide (cichlid rock) for the betta because the algae was killing the plants.
10 Amanos will have that gone in no time flat

At least 4 Amanos have been in there for 5 weeks. pH is below 6 / not measuring on my liquid test. They weren't in optimum conditions.

I have a pic of the growth in the front of the glass July 3 (2 months ago) just found it, will post it later and can compare.


Pic didn't post Brookster!
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