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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 14, 2005
St. Louis, MO
i have a 10 gallon tank which is not cycled and has had nothing in it besides overly-potent salt water in it because i was trying to kill all the snails that got in there before i started to cycle it again

well it turns out today when i was emptying it out, i found one cory cat fry in there! i have no idea how it was surviving but i put it in a jar and now i'm going to try to take care of it by slowly getting all of the salt water out and just replacing it with water from my other tanks

that is too cool! i hope he can make it
oh that's neat! I hope he makes it too!!! I've never been lucky enought to find ANY babies in my tank :(
well what's so weird about it is i've never had any cory cats in that tank ever. but i did have some rocks i moved from my other tank with cories in it, so maybe that's how it got there

I had a similar thing happen, although not with the salt...I had just set up my 55 gal and had transferred some plants from my 30 gal. The next day I found 4 baby fish in the 55 gal! Until they grew a little I didn't know what fish they had come from but they turned out to be rainbows. Unfortunately I couldn't catch the little guys (try catching a really fast speck in a heavily planted 55) and when I started adding other fish...well, you can guess what happened.

Good luck with the little guy! He's one tough fish!
SeymourFRESH said:
i put it in a jar and now i'm going to try to take care of it by slowly getting all of the salt water out and just replacing it with water from my other tanks

maybe you should sell him as the only salt-water cory cat in existance and make millions! :D
alright, i'm keeping it in a jar. should it have an airstone? should i keep it in something bigger? is room temperature fine? (lately has been between 70 and 80)
It should have an airstone and heater(ideally).....if it's big enough not to be eaten or anything, I think it will be better off in another tank (do you have another tank running?) as soon as possible.
well, i have a 10 gallon up and running with black mollies and ghost shrimp in it (which is where i found it)

the only reason why i didn't want to put it back in there is because the gravel is really hard and i heard that's bad for their barbells...but i dunno :-/
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