For Sale: Fish and Invertebrates Stock List updated 9/1/11

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

severum mama

Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 11, 2004
Well folks, it's been a while since I posted the last list, so it is definitely time to update! Everything shown here has been through a QT/observation period and is ready for shipping.

Feel free to PM me or HN1 with any questions you might have. If you are under 18, you will need to get your parents' permission before ordering. We ship via USPS Priority or Express mail, and we will be happy to get you a shipping quote if you shoot over your zip code and list of what interests you. We accept Paypal. We ship to the continental US only.

Please plan to be home when any fish or inverts are delivered. It's still hot in many areas and a box of fish is not going to last sitting outdoors for very long. We will guarantee live arrival for a 3 day trip. Most parts of the country will take 2-3 days via Priority. In the highly unlikely event of DOA, a photo of the fish in the unopened bag is required within 2 hours of first attempted delivery. Live arrival guarantee covers cost of fish only.

**EDIT** Before posting in this thread, please review the sticky on posting guidelines for Classifieds threads.

-DO NOT post comments, suggestions, criticism, etc. If you have a question about the specific item for sale/trade, you are welcome to ask questions, but please do so only if you are interested in buying or trading.

So please, no comments or chit chat!


Kerri (Inpaicthys kerri), 1.25”- $4. Shows a gorgeous purple/blue coloration when happy!

“Rosy” (tentative ID is Hyphessobrycon bentosi, these are rare), 1-1.25”- $4. Beautiful pink, red, and white color. Very peaceful, yet active and fun to watch!

Castell (Hemigrammus hyanuary, these are rare), 1.25”- $3.50. The bright stripe on these fish can change from orange to neon green as the light hits them! Shown with lemon tetra.

Lemon (Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis), 1.5”- $2.50. These add a nice splash of yellow to the tank. Good schoolers, and active. Shown with castell tetra.

Gold neon (Paracheirodon innesi), 1-1.25”- $4. This is a strain of the neon tetra that is selectively bred for the aquarium trade. These are really cool looking!

Von rio/Flame (Hyphessobrycon flammeus), 1.25”- Breeder size group of 5 for only $10! We accidentally bred these once- drop them in a tank with some plants and marbles and see what happens!

Cardinal (Paracheirodon axelrodi), 1.25”- $3. These are FL bred and they won't drop dead on you like the wild ones. They're actually quite hardy!

Ember (Hyphessobrycon amandae), .75-1”- $2. These little beauties make awesome nano fish for tanks as small as 5 gallons. You'll see their best colors in a planted tank.
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Rasbora dosriocellata, .75-1”- $3. Not easy to find. These are great schoolers and have beautiful bright blue eyes. The pic doesn't do them justice.

Burmese snakeskin danio (Brachydanio nigrofasciatus), 1.25-1.75”- $5. These are rare and this is the first time we have had them. Very pretty and active!

Purple passion danio (Danio roseus), 1.5-2”- $2.50. These fish are very active and fast swimmers. They can show some really intense coloration too!

Arulius barb (Puntius arulius), 1.5”. These will get large and would appreciate plenty of room. Active and fun to watch!

Longfin white cloud (Tanichthys albonubes), 1.25-1.5”- $4. This is a variety of the white cloud that has been bred selectively in the aquarium trade. They have beautiful colors and flowing finnage. SOLD OUT


Pearl gourami (Trichogaster leeri), 2.25-3”- $6. These are sexable, if you are interested in a pair or trio. Shown in the photo is a pair. Graceful, peaceful fish that love planted tanks.
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Boesemani (Melanotaenia boesemani), 2”- $9. Females available.

Emerald (Glossolepis wanamensis), 2.5-3”- $18. Males and females available. These beauties are hard to find. They're active, colorful, and just all-around awesome fish.

Glossolepis incisus, 2.25-3”- $12. Males show the beautiful red hue, females show a sparkly-green color. 5 males and 5 females available. Only selling in pairs. Male and female shown.

MacCulloch's (Melanotaenia maccullochi), 2.5-3”- $9. Very active swimmers and fun to keep! SOLD OUT

Furcata (Pseudomugil furcatus), 1.25-1.5”- $9. Only 5 available! These little beauties stay small and can be kept in a 15-20 gallon and up.

Gertrude's (Pseudomugil gertrudae), 1”- $9. Very cool dot pattern on the males' finnage. Females are colorful too. Great for planted tanks.
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Norman's lampeye (Aplocheilichthys normani), 1”- $2. Great for nano tanks as small as 5 gallons. Their blue eyes really sparkle. SOLD OUT

Aphyosemion australe, 2-2.5”- $10. Only 2 males available! These make a gorgeous centerpiece fish! SOLD OUT

Fundulopanchax scheeli, 1.5-2”- $6. Makes an awesome centerpiece fish, or get a pair for a breeding project.


Keyhole (Cleithracara maronii), 1.25-2.25”- sm. $8, med. $10. These passive cichlids aren't dwarfs, but they do stay relatively small. Pictured are size small. One medium available. They have lots of personality and do great in planted tanks.

Bolivian ram (Microgeophagus altispinosa), 2”- $8. Entertaining little dwarf cichlids with tons of personality. SOLD OUT

Golden dwarf acara (Nannacara anomala), 2”- $24 per pair. 2 pairs available. These little dwarf cichlids are easy to breed and fun to keep. Will not split up pairs. Male shown. SOLD OUT

Gymnogeophagus balzanii, 2.75-3”- $9. 6 available. These beautiful juvies are starting to color up nicely. They are fascinating to watch! SOLD OUT
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Catfish and Bottom dweller

Panda cory (Corydoras panda), 1-1.25”- $5. Very, very cute!

Red laser cory (CW 24), 2”- $12. Only 2 available.

Bristlenose pleco (Ancistrus sp.), 2”- $5. Great algae eater!

Albino bristlenose pleco (Ancistrus sp.), 2”- $7.

Sumo loach (Schistura balteata is our best ID), 2”- $7. Only 4 available! These are really interesting loaches, and pretty active too!

Yunannilus cruciatus, 1-1.25”- $6. These are adults! These little loaches are great for nano tanks and very unique.

Asian stone catfish (Hara jerdoni), 1”- $6. These are adults! These tiny catfish prefer to be kept in groups. They're excellent for nano tanks. Keep with passive tank mates! ONLY 2 LEFT
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Horned nerite (Clithon corona), .3-.5”- $2.50. Great algae eaters! SOLD OUT

Red spotted nerite (Neritina sp.), .5-.75”- $3. Great algae eaters! SOLD OUT

Assassin (Clea helena), .5”- $3. Will eat pest snails!
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how many of each sex of the Bolivian rams do you have and how much for ship to 95203

The rams are unsexed. We could ship 2-3 for $12. West coast is more expensive for shipping than most areas. There are 7 rams available.
Any Blue Lobsters & Clown Loaches? And what is your ship cost to VA 23102.

Any Blue Lobsters & Clown Loaches? And what is your ship cost to VA 23102.


Hi Don, we don't stock either of those. Shipping to VA is cheap, but because I ship by weight I will need to know exactly what you are looking to have shipped. Everything we have in stock is listed in this thread.
Interested in the Albino bristlenose pleco and any snail for my tank. I have a tank with medium size African cichlids (parrot, yellow labs, orange one etc) so whatever
You have that will do good with them, I'm
Interested. Zip 40503
How much for ship to 95203 if I order
3 rams
5 red nerite
5 panda corries
And buy any chance do you have rummy nose tetras
Hi Marcie

I'm interested in the Aphyosemion australe, one this a community fish?

Also I want to add some plants for medium light like the chain micro sword, anubias hastiofila, 3 plants of each
Hi Marcie

I'm interested in the Aphyosemion australe, one this a community fish?

Also I want to add some plants for medium light like the chain micro sword, anubias hastiofila, 3 plants of each

Hi Edgar! It should do fine in a community. The larger male is sold but I have the smaller one still.

I have the hastifolia and the dwarf chain sword... just to be clear, this is a different plant than micro sword. Here is a search:
dwarf chain sword - Google Search

Let me know if you're still interested. :)
Yes Im still interested

Hi Edgar! It should do fine in a community. The larger male is sold but I have the smaller one still.

I have the hastifolia and the dwarf chain sword... just to be clear, this is a different plant than micro sword. Here is a search:
dwarf chain sword - Google Search

Let me know if you're still interested. :)
Yes, The small should be fine..
I will PM m,y order to you.
Hey SM and HN1. I'd like to do 1 BN pleco and 1 Albino BN Pleco.
zip is 49503 how much am I looking at?
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