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Alright, can you hold 10 for me? I'm going to get a few plants first, and then get the cherries from ya..
they arent going anywhere too quick.
is there any type of plants that you are looking for specificly?
I currently have 2 ludwigia of some sort, one other plant that looks somewhat like water wisteria, and I just ordered some dwarf hair grass, rotala, and crypts. If you have plants for sale just let me know what you have and I'll probably get a few as well.
i just sold most of my plants. i'll get a list going for you of what i have left. i'll let you know tomorrow when the lights come on
Alright thank you. I have work tomorrow 10AM-11PM, so I won't be able to check the forums during that time frame.
syngonanthus belem, rotala green, rotala singapore, rotala coloratta, limno aromatica, limno 'vietnam mini' blyxa japonica, staurogyne tropica 49, glosso, riccia, hygro corymbosa compact, kliener sword, a couple of the more common anubia, a few crypt parva and wendtii, a few bacopa monnieri, e. tennelus micro, some moss (probably christmas moss). i think i have a few other different species kicking around too but i cant think of off the top of my head.

like i said i cut back most of my plants already, but if you are looking for a few clippings it shouldnt be a problem
I really haven't heard of most of those things except anubias and crypts... I just ordered some plants off of aquabid actually, so I probably won't be buying any. But if you're going to throw them out please let me take them :D
a medium flat rate box is $10.70. it will be insulated and the shrimp come in kordon breather bags. shrimp are $.75 a piece. most are juveniles
i scoop whatever falls in the net, male or female. if you get twenty shrimp and they are all male or all female, you should play the lottery because those are some incredible odds
not right now. i'll be feeding them tomorrow. so i can get a good pic of them chowing down for you.
here is some of them from one tank. i have them in another too but i have red flourite and you can hardly see them

:/ today on my way to work my engine belt snapped in my mustang so there goes the money. Maybe in a couple more days I can order them if you have some left.
shouldn't be a problem. i have them in 2 tanks, i have plenty
i scoop whatever falls in the net, male or female. if you get twenty shrimp and they are all male or all female, you should play the lottery because those are some incredible odds

The odds are actually 1 in 1,048,576. So basically (literally), one-in-a-million. :cool:
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